Yah pony... Our two favorite crazy wicht will battle in an epic battle ! THE NIGHTMARE NIGHT WAR'RRRR
What is it ?[]
Like I says, that is a witch battle. Cliodna and Laura will fight in a epic battle on the Bad Land with their army ! The paper for Clidona and the demonic creature for Laura. Of course, that is a RP event and all pony can join the army of Cliodna if they wants >:3
Cliodna Army[]
Cliodna gonna use the paper for beat Laura. Why the paper ? Well... She is.... HIPSTER PAWA!!!
Her solder :
Straw Sniper : none
*That role is to shoot small paper ball to blind the enemy... Yeah ! When that paper ball touch an enemy, he will become instantly blinded by the small flash explosion*
Toilet Paper Launcher : Aliax and Twirly
*The role of the toilet paper launcher is to throwing a toilet paper rolls for that will explodes in thousand small sanitary pad*
Paper Airplane Airman : None
*The role of that role is to bomb the enemy with confettie ball on paper airplane. That king of Confettie will make dance every zomby will be touched !*