Twitterponies Wiki

There are a few hashtags used by the twitterponies. If you're going to take part in the RP, it's a good idea to keep an eye out for them, and to set your twitter client to pick them up when they're used. There aren't many, but these are a couple of the most used:

  • #twitterponies: Used by fans and the roleplay group alike. When used by one of the main six or Mod, it's usually to get the attention of the group. Don't over-use it in RP.
  • #pvweather: Used to signify what the weather in Ponyville will be like. Sent twice daily at approximately 9-10am and 7-8pm Eastern Time by Twitter icon  mlp_pvweather, typically managed by Twitter icon  mlp_rainbow (It's a scheduled message that will appear anywhere between 9 and 9:30. You think Rainbow wakes up on time?). Also used for weather abnormalities and storm notifications.
  • #pvnews: Used by Twitter icon  mlp_pvnews to occassionally announce news events happening around Ponyville. Usually painfully punny and absolitely alliterating.
  • #runningleaves: Used to flag a post related to the Running of the Fall Leaves.
  • #neighborlyday: Used to flag a post related to Neighborly Day.
  • #RoyalGuardBulletin: Used by Twitter icon  mlp_Songdance to report news and information from the Royal Guards.
  • #PVBulletin: Used to report news and goings on in town.
  • #foalswag: A silly hashtag used by foal characters for laughs.
  • #Dream: Used to let people know that what is happening to you is really what's hapeening in your dream while your character is sleeping.
  • #DoorEatingRevolution: Used when eating one of Twitter icon  mlp_ThunderStm's doors. It doesn't matter which door just EAT ONE! (See DoorEatingRevolution)